I keep getting these “Renew your domain name and save” emails telling me I should renew my domain name early. Should I do that, or have NCKCN do that?

Category: Web Hosting FAQs


NO! NCKCN is happy to take care of your domain registration and renewal, so that you get the most out of your investment. We do this at no extra cost to all NCKCN members. And we diligently try to make sure your domain is as pain free as possible.

Domain owners now have to put up with the kind of marketing hype that states you can save if you renew your domain early. What they don’t tell you is that you are essentially throwing away your current domain name ownership subscription length and getting less and less in return. For example, they will make it look like you can save 20% off the price if you renew now, even though the subscription is not up for another 6 months. If you do renew early, you loose 50% of your original subscription length and throw away 50% of your original payment. This is because if you renew, it won’t be added to your original subscription length, rather the new subscription length will start at the time of renewal. Wonderful huh?

We will renew your domain within the last two days of your original lease on the domain to ensure that you get the full use of your money. You will not need to worry about it, and can disregard all the future notices from these domain marketing wonders. Until this changes, or these marketing geniuses are fired, we recommend that you simply let us take care of it for you.


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Todd Tuttle is the System's Administrator for NCKCN as well as the Assistant Executive Director for NCRPC. For more information about Todd, visit: Todd's Profile page.